Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

Primary 7

Primary 7 worked together to create our class charter which is linked to our work on SHANARRI and our three school rules: Be safe, be respectful and be ready. The hands represent us all working together in class and in school.



Tuesday 10 September 2024

In French, Primary 7 were learning how to ask someone their name, age and where they live. They then wrote and illustrated a  conversation between two fictional characters.  




P7 information letter - Term 1  2024/2025

Dear Parents/Carers of P7 pupils

This term we will be learning about being happy, healthy and safe.  We will be learning how to do CPR in our Heartstart lessons with Mrs Sherriffs, looking at the importance of travelling safely how to be a good friend to others.  Staying safe online will also be revisited.  

In literacy we will learning how to make notes, how to acknowledge sources of information and create interesting new texts from their notes. Pupils will be given time to read for pleasure every day in class. 

In numeracy we will be working with money using the four operations and discuss the importance of budgeting.  

We will have a focus on the skill of ‘working together’ after the long summer holiday apart from each other. 

Art, music, PE and Gaelic will be delivered by our wonderful specialist teachers and the children will be taught in the secondary school (apart from Gaelic.) 


Monday swimming in Aberfeldy until 11:30am. 

Tuesday music (fortnightly). 

Wednesday *PE (Mrs Leck) Gaelic (Miss McPhee). 

Thursday art (Mr Maitland). 

Friday assembly. 

*Gym kit = white tee shirt, black shorts, clean trainers if inside or a change of shoes when outside. 

What to bring to school: - 

 A coat as we try to go outside for breaks whenever possible. 

A bottle of water. 

A healthy play piece such as a piece of fruit as we’re trying to cut down on litter in the playground. 

A cushion to sit on in class.  

If mobile ‘phones are brought to school they must be brought up to class until home time. 

Mrs Cardew