Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School



The Parent Council will have a stall at Pitlochry Highland Games on Saturday 14th September 2024. We will be doing a bake sale and bottle tombola, and we need your help!

Please donate any sealed bottles you can (alcohol, soft drinks, water, toiletries etc) to the School Office between now and 09:00 on Friday 13th September - the sooner the better!

Home baking can be delivered to the School Office until 15:30 on Friday 13th September. After this time we can arrange collection or a drop off point by emailing pitlochryparentcouncil@gmail.com or via our Facebook page.

We had a wonderful event last year and raised £2,000 from the donations brought in - thank you all. We are hoping to reach a target of £2,500 this year to support social events and treats for all the children and young people at our school!

If you can spare a few hours on Saturday 14th September 2024 to help on the stall, please email or reach out to us.

 PC Stall