Pitlochry High School

R e s p e c t
Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School Life at Pitlochry High School

P4 to P7


There are currently five classes in the Upper Primary area and a library. 

The classes are:

  • Primary 4 - Mrs Stewart
  • Primary 5M - Mrs McNab
  • Primary 5S - Miss Shea
  • Primary 6 - Ms Campbell
  • Primary 7 - Mrs Cardew

Depute Headteacher - Miss Mair

As in the infants, the area is open plan with a central area that enables children space to work outside their classrooms. These tables can accommodate smaller groups working independently or with another adult.

Assemblies are also held in the central area. There is a computer suite with PCs and laptops which the children can use when timetabled.

Gym Days

Please ensure your child has a gym kit (plain t-shirt, shorts, suitable footwear) on their peg on Monday morning. Gym days are set, but sometimes we have gym activities outside these times. Gym kit should be taken home at the end of the week for laundering.

Library Days

Each week the pupils get the opportunity to borrow a book from our school library. They choose their own books with the support of our librarian Mrs Radford. The books are issued in their name for a period of three weeks. As library borrowing takes place each week pupils may choose a new book or keep their existing one. Pupils in the upper primary are encouraged to make an independent selection when looking for a book. The blurb, genre and length of book will help when making a personal choice. From Primary 4 pupils should become increasingly independent and it is hoped they will be able to choose a book that will challenge and enrich their reading ability.

Occasionally events in the school or LRC may mean Mrs Radford will be unable to lend books on the days shown. If this is the case another day will substituted.

Parenting Books Available from the School Library

As in previous years we have a selection of parenting books which are available for our parents to borrow. The books will be available on parents' evenings and once a month in school time. If you wish to come along and browse you are most welcome.  Please contact the office to arrange a time.

See our webpage for further details relating to topics and examples of books that are available to support parents.

 Mrs Sherriffs and Mrs Radford